
Marina Jakulic
BA Graphic Design
MA Visual Communications
Post Graduate — Interactive Media Management
IIDEX Canada Inclusive Design Certificate
Hyper Island — Leadership© Essentials Certificate

Who I’ve worked with in random order:
Uber Canada

Grey Worldwide
Bunch Design
School of Design
Shopify Plus
Peace Collective
Skateboard Klub August Šenoa
Vladimir Film Festival
Solo Skate Mag

Bits about me:
  • My design process revolves around placing the user at the center, always mindful of business objectives. 
  • I possess a keen understanding of what is technically feasible and excel at translating value propositions into immersive customer experiences. 
  • I firmly believe in the power of storytelling as a tool to craft exceptional products. 
  • Perfection isn't the goal; rather, I embrace the learning journey, finding value even in the smallest of insights. 
  • In my downtime, you'll find me indulging in my favorite culinary delights—Thai food, croissants, and coffee—and I never turn down a well-crafted Pisco sour.

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Hello from Berlin ☺
©Marina Jakulic 2024